Fermented Foods- Pressed Salads & Pickles

Fermented Foods- Pressed Salads & Pickles
Any raw vegetables can be used, because they are quite literally “pressed” or marinated with umeboshi plum and apple cider vinegar, until the raw and watery quality is released, and removed, preserving the pressed/marinated/naturally pickled, rich in digestive enzyme, alkalizing, vitamin, mineral, and fibre rich healthiness of the brightly coloured and mineral rich red and green cabbage, gently cleansing and naturally diuretic red radish, calcium and iron rich kale, live energy sunflower sprouts, crispy bites of fresh cos lettuce, and pungent and liver friendly baby rocket, all served with high in calcium tahini, and alkalizing and digestive umeboshi vinegar dressing.
Pressed and Pickled vegetables
• Layer raw sliced vegetables in a press with seasalt.
• The salt and weight will enable water to be released from vegetables. When the water rises above the press dish, reduce the pressure otherwise the vegetables will be too fibrous and not juicy.
• The vegetable should remain soaking in the brine for 30-60 minutes.
• If not enough water is not released, there is not enough salt or pressure and so the vegetables may spoil.
• Vegetables can remain under pressure for longer up to 2 days to make light pickles.
• Press radish greens , finely chopped, mixed with seasalt for 30 minutes
• Press cabbage leaves, layered with seasalt for 30 minutes
• Shred, grate or cut carrots into matchsticks, sprinkle with seasalt for 30 minutes.
Anticarcinogen, aids digestion, high in vitamins and minerals (esp. Vit C and iron). Great for hangovers!!!! Keeps in a cool place for 1-3 weeks.
2 large Green/white cabbage
• Separate the leaves and wash. Pat dry.
• Shred or slice finely.
•Place the cabbage in pickle press add 1/3 cup sea salt.
• Mix thoroughly.
• Press
• Cover the top of the Pickle Press with a piece of cloth to keep out light.
• After a day, water should cover the cabbage. but if not, press more (or if using a bowl with a plate to pickle add some more weight on top of the lid)
• Keep the container in a dark cool place for about two weeks but check it daily. If any mold forms on the top of the cabbage, skim off and discard (though mold results naturally from the fermentation process, it can detract from the taste of the sauerkraut).
• To serve, rinse under cold water, and place in a serving dish.
• For storage purposes one can leave the sauerkraut in the Pickle Press .
Daikon, Carrot, Red Radish Pressed Salad
1/2 cup grated daikon 1/2 cup grated red radish 1 cup grated carrot 1/2 tsp. umeboshi paste
1. Grate all of the ingredients and mix with the umeboshi paste. Gently press (in Pickle Press- see shop for purchase).
2. Let marinade for 10 minutes. Squeeze out the liquid and serve.
Cabbage Pressed Salad
1 head green/white cabbage, cut in half and thinly sliced
1 cucumber, sliced in half lengthwise, de-seeded, and sliced thin
1 small daikon radish, grated, or 6 red radishes, sliced thin
2 stalks celery, sliced thin on the diagonal
1/2 medium red onion, sliced paper thin
2 medium carrots, grated
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 TBS brown rice vinegar OR umeboshi plum vinegar
• Place all vegetables in pickles press (or glass bowl)
• Add the salt and mix well.
• Press down-use pickle press (see shop for purchase) (if using glass bowl-place a plate over the vegetables and press down. Weight the plate with a heavy object- clean rock, 1 kg can, jug of water )
• Press vegetables for 1 hour. Remove and squeeze out excess liquid. If the salad is too salty, rinse with cool water and dry thoroughly. Toss with vinegar and serve.
•Serves 6