Food is Medicine

For the front page Food is medicine section.

What to do about Arthritis?

INFLAMMATION AND ARTHRITIS It is becoming increasingly clear that chronic inflammation is the root cause of many serious illnesses – including heart disease, many cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. We all know inflammation on the surface of the body as local redness, heat, swelling and pain. It is the cornerstone of the body’s healing response, bringing […]

Medicinal Mushrooms

  My chat with Libbi Gorr on radio Melbourne ABC774 will be posted here soon so please return Mushrooms Although most people think of mushrooms as vegetables, they’re in fact a type of beneficial fungus. The term “mushroom” refers to any macro fungus with a distinctive fruiting body large enough to be seen with the naked […]

No cold & flu 4 u

Which foods could make colds or flu on (Readers Digest 1. Sugar can cause inflammation, which weakens your body’s white blood cells, which are key to fighting off infections. Try to avoid comforting yourself with too many sweet treats (and yes, that includes sweetened juice) until you feel better. 2. Refined carbohydrates are […]

Ginger for migraines

US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health Phytother Res. 2014 Mar;28(3):412-5. doi: 10.1002/ptr.4996. Epub 2013 May 9. Comparison between the efficacy of ginger and sumatriptan in the ablative treatment of the common migraine. Maghbooli M1, Golipour F, Moghimi Esfandabadi A, Yousefi M. Frequency and torment caused by migraines direct patients toward a […]

Saffron the mood lifter

Saffron is the world’s most expensive spice, so when you use it, you want to use it correctly. You’ll find saffron in two forms, threads and powder. Saffron threads are the whole stigma from the saffron crocus, while saffron powder has been gently dried and ground. Like resources like gold and oil, saffron can only […]

Traditional Japanese Umeboshi Plums

The organic umeboshi plum that I love to eat and use in all my classes is a traditional Japanese pickle. Unusually salty, sour and subtly sweet, they are great at helping you digest carbohydrates and proteins. Ume means plum in Japanese, but they are actually a Japanese apricot. Fresh ume plums are very astringent and […]

Food to Lift Your Mood – Wellbeing Magazine 2010

Have you thought about how why you are irritable or why you can’t concentrate? Why do you get depressed or angry? We have all heard by now that we are what we eat. There is certainly a psychological element to what we choose to eat which is not possible to separate from the biological but […]

Sea Vegetables

Why would anyone want to eat sea vegetables? That was a big question when I started in the mid-1980s to use these traditional Japanese ingredients in my cooking classes. Seaweed and marine algae have more concentrated nutrition than vegetables grown on land and they have long been considered to possess powers to prolong life, prevent […]


Tofu or not tofu: Health concerns around soy Some people have allergies or food intolerances to soyfoods. So best to not have any. Research is mixed on the overall risks or benefits from soy. Some studies show soy lowers the risk of some cancers and brings about a myriad of other health benefit, others show […]
