Arame, Radish,Celery Salad with Parsley Walnut Dressing

Arame, Radish,Celery Salad with Parsley Walnut Dressing

serves 3-4

Arame Sea Vegetable   handful
Celery                           3 stalks
Radish                          4
Spring onions              3
Mesclun lettuce/ rocket mix/watercress

Parsley Walnut Dressing

Spring Onion               6
Parsley                        handful
Sesame Oil                 1 tbsp
Walnut pieces-           ½ cup
Water                          1 cup
Kuzu   (kudzu)           1 tbsp
Shoyu or Tamari        1 tbsp

• Rinse and boil arame in water for 5-10 minutes (approx. 10 gm Arame = 1 ½ cups water).
• Drain and cool. Slice celery into matchsticks; slice radishes into disks; chop spring onions.
• Combine in a salad bowl with shredded lettuce and arame. Finely chop spring onions and parsley.
• Heat oil in small saucepan, add spring onions and sauté for 2-3 minutes.
• Add walnuts and sauté 2 minutes more. Dissolve kuzu in water, add to onions, and then add parsley.
• Place in food processor and blend. Pour over salad vegetables.

RADISHES are near zero calories members of the cabbage-mustard family, high in vitamin c and minerals. Selenium. Stimulates appetite, diuretic, loosening catarrhal congestion, an excellent source of mineral choline which promotes digestion of protein foods, as choline stimulates production of hydrochloric acid. Also contains silicon for maintenance of healthy teeth, hair and clear vision, also preventing nervous exhaustion and mental fatigue.

PARSLEY an antioxidant, rich in vitamin A – good for complexion and acts as a diuretic or anti PMS aid. High in iron, folate, vegetable calcium and chlorophyll (slows aging!)

WALNUTS are a good protein source, contains polyunsaturated essential omega 3 rich oils, b vitamins (biotin is essential for the conversion of unsaturated fats into the form of usable energy). In traditional Chinese medicine –walnuts treat chronic asthma cough, swollen throats, constipation. The warming nature helps regulate the lungs and rejuvenates the kidneys.

KUZU (KUDZU) is a starch that is commonly used as a food ingredient. Like arrowroot, kuzu adds shine and produces translucent sauces and gravies. Kuzu powder comes in white chunks that you have to crush (or dissolve in cool liquid) before cooking
