
Maryanne enjoys My Wholefood Community Cook Book

Just to let you know that I made your quinoa black bean patties on Saturday for the whole family and they loved them. I served them with sweet potato and ginger mash and fresh beans. Colourful and healthy. They were really good and tasty and will become a weekly favourite!

Maryanne Newman
Judith Crowe about Sandra’s My Wholefood Community Cook Book

Thank you so much Sandra for your cookbook. I’m having a wonderful time with it. I have now cooked 7 recipes and all have been absolutely delicious. And your sauces, wow. I was bored with my “usual” meals and a bit lost really in the kitchen. Now with your book by my side I’ve got my mojo back! I am motivated to whip up a storm! I made the Kidney Bean Salad for a recent “bring a plate” party and everyone loved it. Funny ’cause when I chose that recipe I thought, this is a mix of ingredients I’ve never combined before, I couldn’t even imagine how it would taste. Well, It was so good I’ve made it three times! Now when I have friends over I feel confident that no matter what I cook, from your book, it will be a success. And, I am enjoying stocking the pantry with all your wonderful ingredients. Your cookbook is easy to read without having to put on my glasses, I like the way it opens up with the spiral binding and best of all the directions are a breeze. I love cooking now that I have you with me every step of the way. Everything tastes great, looks great and I can just feel that it is full of goodness. I totally agree with Mia’s testimonial that your Adzuki Bean Vegetable Stew could heal the world – eating is feels just so right and good. I know you have put a lot of work and love into your creation and I am very grateful.

Rural Medical Family Network, Inc.

Hi Sandra Thank you again for presenting at the weekend. It is always good to hear you and I know a number of those attending have taken on board the wisdom you shared around wholefoods.

Sandra’s well-delivered presentation drew interest from all who attended the session. Clear and precise information was provided on the nutritional aspects of diet, giving participants a better knowledge of the value diet plays on their health. Sandra provided the audience with a better understanding and knowledge of how the increase of alkaline foods can influence a person’s well-being. It was clear to the group that, ‘you can improve your health with the right food.
2005 Victorian Rural Doctors Conference. ~ Gina Lambe Program Development Officer

Gina Lambe
Chief Executive Officer Rural Medical Family Network, Inc.
CPA Australia

The session was very interesting and very different.I got introduced to these type of foods for the first time. Coming from that perspective I was really impressed and have decided to explore these foods more. Particularly the MISO Soup was yum. Also Sandra’s approach about talking us through the recipes and giving all the related information was good and gets you engaged into the process.
With respect to feedback, personally, I’d like to make the comment that your enthusiasm and passion in the session was infectious – my team have gone out and bought bags of Brazil nuts (myself included), wholefood snacks and are really talking about the changes they can make to what and how they eat. One of the team made the miso soup over the weekend, and reported great results. It was a very valuable and worthwhile session and the team very much enjoyed themselves. The intimate setting made it all the more enjoyable and personable from my perspective as I felt welcomed into your world.

Comments from other members of the team are below:

“I really enjoyed the session.
Sandra clearly knew her stuff, and was great at providing advice, but at the same time was not forcing us to change our lifestyles completely.
I am already looking at how I can improve my diet in small areas (such as buying from the market as much as possible and exploring Asian groceries!!)
I would highly recommend this to others and I am seriously considering a few gift certificate purchases.
I will definitely be making the Miso Soup!!”

“Sandra was personable, the session was informative, very relevant, brought home the message that “Healthy whole food cooking does not necessarily need to be hard; either cooking or eating it” the Wakame Miso Soup, Ginger Dressing and the dessert will definitely be on my menu.
I would definitely be talking to friends and family about her courses.”

“The session was very interesting and very different.
I got introduced to these type of foods for the first time. Coming from that perspective I was really impressed and have decided to explore these foods more. Particularly the MISO Soup was yum. Also Sandra’s approach about talking us through the recipes and giving all the related information was good and gets you engaged into the process. ”

Lululemon Athletica Melbourne about Sandra Dubs

I loved that is wasn’t your normal cooking class where they teach you how to cook but more about the foods and what health benefits they had.

I felt great that evening and had such energy following. I am inspired to eat cleaner, healthier, and slower. Thanks Sandra. Best wishes, Danica Lani

Also, I have collated a list of comments from all of the lulus from the cooking night for you to put on your website. They are as follows:

I left Sandra’s cooking class with an elevated appreciation and awareness around my health and well being and how food plays such a massive part in that. I was nourished, refreshed and felt so connected to my team as Sandra created such a safe, nurturing and educational environment. I have loved cooking brown rice effectively since and hearing stories from my fellow lululemon athletica team members about their inspired cooking quests! This has since impacted my home life as well and has greatly improved my creativity and sense of order in the kitchen – much to the delight of my partner 🙂

My fave part was that we learnt about what foods did what in relation to our body functioning, and the ailments that certain foods assist.

I found it inspiring on a personal level, connecting on a group level and can’t wait for the next one!

I loved that is wasn’t your normal cooking class where they teach you how to cook but more about the foods and what health benefits they had.

I felt great that evening and had such energy following. I am inspired to eat cleaner, healthier, and slower.

Michael Sojka about Sandra Dubs

Thanks for your presentation Sandra. The time and effort that you put into the presentation was nothing short of spectacular. There is little doubt that you have the knowledge and passion with all things related to food and one’s well being.In the few days since your presentation, there has been a marked change in many of the team’s food habits and we have even relegated the chocolate box in favour of protein drinks and nuts. Once again we highly commend you and would recommend to any business that genuinely seeks to enhance their team’s performance.

Michael Sojka
Managing Partner Rose Partners Accountants & Advisers
Falls Creek Resort Management about Sandra Dubs

Sandra has visited Falls Creek twice to provide specially tailored nutrition seminars and cooking demonstrations as part of summer events programs. Each occasion has been hugely successful with participants consistently rating her informative, hands-on fun and empowering sessions as a highlight of their experience at Falls Creek. Sandra’s programs are delivered in a highly informative but supportive manner. I have watched participants learn information and cooking techniques that will change their lives!I would highly recommend Sandra’s cooking school and wholefood nutrition information to anyone interested in improving their health, vitality and overall quality of life
Emma Knezevic, Marketing Manager

Falls Creek Resort Management
Mia Rappel about Sandra Dubs

Why did you come to my class and which class did you attend?
i had the pleasure of being Sandy’s assistant, so i attended many classes and learnt so so much
Which recipe did you enjoy the most?
One of my favourite recipes is the kidney bean/arame/dill salad with miso dressing….
I have made this dish so many times, adding different ingredients at different times, seeds, leafy greens…
I’ve taken it dinner parties and picnics and it always gets a wow delicious!! Plus of course the classic adzuki and pumpkin dish that could heal the world!
Which ingredients are your favourites and are now part of your repertoire?
This is the element that I really appreciate from my time learning with Sandy, the integrating of new ingredients and methods into my daily cooking…… arame, shiitake mushrooms, miso dressings, soaking brown rice, kombu in soups and stews, umeboshi in dressings, using these Japanese ingredients in a fusion way.
What did you take away from my class in terms of daily or regular practice?
As above and discovering that this layered, nutritious, delicious way of cooking can be so easy, being creative and felxible in the kitchen. Sandy style is specific and committed but also free flexible and fun…..a winning combination.

Mia Rappel MIAMIA
Design.Installation.Visual Arts.Events Miamia
Roslyn Eldar about Sandra Dubs

I first met Sandy through a mutual friend in about 2002. I enrolled in Sandy’s group cooking class that was given in her home. I loved the intimate, warm atmosphere and setting.
I especially enjoyed the delicious food and was introduced to a lot of foods and information I had never heard of before.
Sandy has an engaging personality and everything was fun.
The thing I remember most is seeing miso paste for the first time and making real miso soup.
I have enjoyed making it for myself and friends over the years. I also became very knowledgeable about good quality oils and how and when to use them.
Later I did other group classes with Sandy including Traditional Japanese cooking classes, private classes with my staff and bought her inspiring cooking video (made in 1999)to make lots of dishes from that too.
When my daughter had her 13th birthday (12 years ago) Sandy gave a special Japanese cooking demonstration for her and about 15 of her friends in my home. All the kids were involved in making a sushi roll and they loved it
Thanks Sandy for all the wonderful lessons and your sharing of delicious wholesome food and nutritional information with me.

Roslyn Eldar
Company Director
Melma Hamersfeld about Sandra Dubs

I met Sandy when I came into her Soulfood/Manna Health Food Store in the 80’s.
I was already interested in natural foods and healthy lifestyle and read a lot of books written by masters of health.
I enjoy going to health food stores, natural food cafes and health retreats and found that continually learning and experiencing healthy mindful eating adds to my happiness.

Cooking and eating Sandy’s food always makes me feel elevated and suits my challenged digestive system.
I have been to many of her cooking classes including repeats of classes that I have already been to, as I find them great reminders and of course I get to eat her delicious meals at the classes.
Over the years I have also had one on one consultation to support my weak digestive system and help deal with inflammation.
My favourite recipes include her Super Miso Soup, Broccoli pancakes and easy recipes using greens and sea vegetables.
What stays with me every day is the knowledge passed on by Sandy of soaking grains and especially chewing.
I’ve learnt to keep a clean pantry, which is that I shop day to day for fresh ingredients while keeping a few basic staples.
I am happily married for over 50 years, have 3 married offspring and 12 grandchildren and we all enjoy eating well and cooking whole foods. I am proud of the choices I and my family make in choosing healthy lifestyles. It’s people like Sandy, who is passionate about sharing healthy knowledge, which supports my well being and others who come in contact with her.
