Sandra's Message
Appropriate food can continually heal our bodies. Hippocrates taught that food should be our medicine and medicine should be our food.
Cook well. Eat well. Be well. Welcome to my new updated website.
My Wholefood Community
I am happy and rewarded in so many ways to have been involved in the plant-based wholefood movement for the past 35 years.
I continue to learn and share by running cooking classes and presenting workshops and seminars on food as medicine and nutrition for well-being, as well as consulting and creating health supportive well-being programs for corporate and private clients. You are all part of My Wholefood Community.
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March 14, 2023
My Wholefood Community Plant Based Cookbook – eBook & Print-On-Demand
Now available for purchase anywhere in the world....
April 6, 2019
Sandra chats with Libbi Gorr ABC774 Radio Melbourne
You can hear me talk about food as medicine...
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4 months ago
Huge respect Andrew Weil, M.D. !
5 months ago
Back to basics: What is the difference between fermentation and rotting?日本語が続きますMany people might be wondering where the borderline between fermentation and rotting is.In fact, it is said that the definition is if the result is good for human or not (!).Microorganism exists everywhere in our environment. Fermentation and rotting are both biological transformation of food substances by microorganisms which start to inhabit there.In terms of its phenomenon, it is said that fermentation and rotting are the same. But the difference is that what kind of bacteria occupies the food substance.If “Bad bacteria” gain an advantage there, it destroys the tissues of the food and make gasses such as indole, ketone etc. It causes food poisoning in our body when growing too much.But if “good bacteria” occupies there, it prevents the bad one from being active.Therefore, fermented foods can be preserved for long.The same thing happens in our body when we take fermented foods.If we have fermented foods constantly, good bacteria gains an advantage in the gut.It helps digestion and boost immune system.Why not having miso & soy sauce in your dietary life!発酵と腐敗って、何が違うの?発酵と腐敗の境界線はどこなんだろう?と思う方は結構いらっしゃると思います。実のところ、その定義は人間にとってGoodか否かであると言われています(!)。微生物は、環境の至るところに生息しています。発酵も腐敗も、食品に棲みついた微生物がもたらす生物学的変質です。この現象という観点では、いずれも同じであると言えます。違いは、どんな種類の菌がそこを占めているかです。もし“悪い菌”が優勢になれば、食物の細胞組織を破壊しインドールやケトンなどのガスを発生させます。増殖すれば、私たちの体で食中毒を引き起こします。しかし、“良い菌”が食物を占拠すれば、そうした悪い菌の活動を抑制してくれるのです。これが、発酵食品が長期保存できる理由です。発酵食品を摂取すれば、これと同様のことが私たちの体内で起きます。定期的に発酵食品を食べるようにすると、腸内環境で良い菌が優勢になり、消化を助けたり免疫を強化したりしてくれます。是非普段の食生活に味噌や醤油を取り入れましょう!#vegan #vegitarian #nutritious #fermentation #miso #misosoup #shoyu #tamari #umeboshi #natural #naturalfood #muso #fermented_food #healthy #recipe #japanesefood #Japan #macrobiotics #organic #発酵食品 #マクロビオティック #むそう #むそう商事 #オーガニック #ビーガン #ヴィーガン #ベジタリアン #recipe #レシピ
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